Ode to the Future

* Digital Branding

* Content Marketing

* International Campaign

* Film Production

* Interaction Design

A Marriage of Art, Science, and Technology

To celebrate Merck’s 350th anniversary, we conducted a unique musical experiment. Collaborating with acclaimed artist Mira Calix we used ultrasound to capture the movements of six unborn foetuses and turned the resulting data into audio frequencies – forming the basis for our Ode to the Future.

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Ode to the future: Listen to how we make music together with six unborn babies. To the case study .

Background & Brief
Most companies would reminisce having turned 350 – not Merck. Instead the company focused on the future, celebrating the innovations and collaborations that will define the next 350 years of human progress. Our brief was to create a celebratory campaign which inspired global B2B audiences to explore and share personal visions for the future of science and tech.

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Campaign Film: A collaborative vision for the future of science and technology

To raise awareness for the Merck brand–and shift existing company perceptions from classic pharmaceuticals to vibrant science and technology–our strategy was simple: Inspire B2B audiences by documenting what’s possible when curious minds from diverse fields come together. This presented audiences with an opportunity to share personal visions with peers across the globe – further boosting brand awareness among leading industry figures.

Great Expectations: Four of the six mums who (together with their unborn babies) gave life to the piece

Creative Idea
In their 15th to 33rd week of pregnancy, we used ultrasound technology to scan and capture the individual movements of six unborn babies. A data sonification specialist transformed the resulting information into audio frequencies – forming the basis for Calix’s musical interpretation and accompanying visual installation piece. Performed by classical musicians, the ode is influenced by the living space of our unborn collaborators – with a classic percussionist creating atmospheric sounds on water. The ode was used as the soundtrack for a campaign film, documenting the unique collaboration that gave life to our original score.

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Poetry in motion: Turning our unborn collaborators' movements into musical notes

Outcome & Results
The project left a lasting impression on science and technology audiences – showcasing the power of collaboration and inspiring hundreds of microsite visitors to share their personal visions – including three from Nobel prizewinners. In total, the campaign film racked up 38m views. The microsite also piqued people's curiosity recording an impressive average visit-time of four minutes!

Microsite, Macro Ideas: On the campaign microsite visitors could watch the film, meet the artist, and submit personal visions for the future of science and technology to an interactive 3D ripple pool – inspired by the film's water-based art installation.

Nobel visions: The interactive vision pool attracted submissions from not one, not two, but three Nobel laureates!

Five Alive: Our sonographer, mum, baby, artist, and film director all hard at work

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 Sounds Good: Watch Mira and her classical ensemble rehearse the ode

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Walk & Talk: A behind-the-scenes look at the art installation featured in the film


New York Festivals
Gold (Film Craft: Best Original Music)

Golden Award of Montreux

Gold Medal (Corporate Film: Technique – Music)

LOVIE Awards

Gold & People's Award (Internet Video: Music & Entertainment)

MAX Award


Best of Business-to-Business

Bronze (Corporate Digital Campaign

Beteiligte Agenturen